Yesterday, the topic of Lapataganj was Hartaal and its relevence.
In that episode a strike was sponsored by the opposition party. The members of the opposition party beat the people who were working. Daily wagers were the worst suferers, if they do not work what their family eat. The show had a happy ending and moral was that Hartaal is not a solution for the problems of common man.
But that ending is far from reality. We always lost lakhs of man hours, Losses in production and the freedom of movements. Moreover, Public properties and Nations economy suffers the most.
Now the question arises, are these strikes beneficial. Yes, to certain section of persons like politicians, trade union leaders etc. they are benfitted the most. They uses strikes as weapons to protect their hidden motive and interest and safeguard their leadership.
Instead of stopping the engine of growth why we are not opting the Japanese way of protesting. They increase their working hours and produce more. That led to the flooding of goods inthe market. There is no wastage of public money and no burning of public properties. It is high time now that we must take necessary steps to stop these activities. And all organs of Indian Democracy (Executive, Judiciary and Legislation) must take hard steps to check these strikes.
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