Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is Earth Hour enough against Climate Change.

When Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 nobody knew that in a year it had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.

Even in March 2009, 100s of millions people took part in this hourly phenomenon. With 88 countries and 4000 cities officially switching off light, made it the largest global initiative against Climate Change.
Now, today on 27 March, 2010 we are sure the numbers will be more.

Why we need Earth Hour?

But the question arises why we need Earth Hour. Is this one hour enough for fight against Climate Change.
What I think is, why we do not make it a habit to switch of unnecessary lights. Moreover, we can use CFL bulbs instead of simple light bulbs. Even Indian Government is supporting this scheme.

Furthermore, we have to teach youngsters and children to make it a habit of switching off electricity when not needed. Even we can use staircases instead of lifts. Using staircase is benefit for our health also.

Why only Earth Hour for Electricity?

Water Crisis is another problem that world is facing today. Saving water must also be the responsibility, perhaps the duty of each one of us to contribute towards water management. Intelligent utilisation of water resources is the need of the hour.

If we use water indiscriminately, the day will come when a campaign like Earth Hour will be needed which motivate individuals not to take bath on that particular day. So, why not pro-actively start today and save water. Even it is our duty to teach children about saving water.

Cost Cutting Campaign in Industries.

When I was in IT Sector, I saw a phenomenon, Cost Cutting Campaign, during recession. In that campaign, unnecessary lights were switched off and circulars were issued to save paper and less use of printers. Even a bizarre scene that tissue papers (in Rest-Rooms) were issued on rationing basis.

Again the question is, do we need these types of campaign? It must be our duty to save electricity and do not waste our resources whether they are at home or at our work place.

So, the need of the hour is judicious use of not only our natural but man-made resources. Than only our fight against Climate Change will be successful.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Save Tree Campaign.

Save Tree Save Earth.

Today morning I got a message from my friend Ankit Mohan.
He wrote

"It will cost 38 Trillion Dollors to create Oxygen for 6 months for all Human Beings on Earth. But Trees do it for free, so save Trees and save Earth."

I donot know the claim that it will cost 38 Trillion Dollars to create Oxygen in Lab , but I know one thing that it is always beneficial to plant and save trees than creating oxygen in lab.

It must be our endevour to plant atleast one sapling in a year so that we as well as our future generation live happily.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gaurav's Blog: Criminals in Indian Politics

Gaurav's Blog: Criminals in Indian Politics

Pay the Price for Political Vandalism, says Bombay High Court to Shiv Sena.

A division bench of Justice Ranjana Desai and Justice Mridula Bhatkar asked Sena Member, Sitaram Dalvi, to ask the party to pay for damaging the premises of Hotel Intercontinental [now Hotel Intercontinental The Lalit] in January 2009.

According to the Justice Ranjana Desai "It is not about money. It is about principle. Such activities should be stopped".

And further said "You can't go on damaging public property. Ultimately we have to pay the tax."

This judgement is remarkable as Political parties always uses political vandalism as a tool and due to lack of Political Will they have been getting away with vandalism. The state government had recently told the court that it did not wish to take action against senior party leaders, such as Thackeray, for political vandalism.

Citizen activists hope if the Sena is made to pay to the hotel, it will send a strong message to other parties.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hartaal (Strike) and Lapataganj.

Yesterday, the topic of Lapataganj was Hartaal and its relevence.
In that episode a strike was sponsored by the opposition party. The members of the opposition party beat the people who were working. Daily wagers were the worst suferers, if they do not work what their family eat. The show had a happy ending and moral was that Hartaal is not a solution for the problems of common man.

But that ending is far from reality. We always lost lakhs of man hours, Losses in production and the freedom of movements. Moreover, Public properties and Nations economy suffers the most.

Now the question arises, are these strikes beneficial. Yes, to certain section of persons like politicians, trade union leaders etc. they are benfitted the most. They uses strikes as weapons to protect their hidden motive and interest and safeguard their leadership.

Instead of stopping the engine of growth why we are not opting the Japanese way of protesting. They increase their working hours and produce more. That led to the flooding of goods inthe market. There is no wastage of public money and no burning of public properties. It is high time now that we must take necessary steps to stop these activities. And all organs of Indian Democracy (Executive, Judiciary and Legislation) must take hard steps to check these strikes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dera Sacha Sauda , Baba Ram Rahim and the Mob.

On Saturday, 27 Feburary 2010, Followers of religious sect Dera Sacha Sauda went on a rampage on Saturday across Haryana and Punjab, torching buses, vandalising public property and unleashing panic among the public. In Haryana alone atleast 12 State Roadways buses were torched by the followers of this Sirsa-based sect.

I do not understand what these self proclaimed Gods teaches their disciples. I do not think that he taught them the path of violence and if so than we have to keep us away from these type of people. Why we are not able to understand that by vandalising public property we are torching our resources. Mr. God never travels in State Roadways buses, these are our buses and only the common man are using them. And, we have lost 12 buses.

And, I again stresses that we have to restrain ourselves from these types of activities.Moreover, We must have sense of belongingness of our public goods.